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Biden immigration action is a sigh of relief for mixed-status families — and a key political move

Biden immigration action is a sigh of relief for mixed-status families — and a key political move

Biden announced an executive action to protect about half a million undocumented spouses of American citizens from deportation. Biden announced that when the plan is enacted, spouses of U.S. citizens who are undocumented and have been in the U.S. at least 10 years as of June 17, 2024, would be able to apply for legal permanent residency. In a major departure from current practice, spouses without legal status will be able to apply from the U.S. and not be required to go back to their native countries, which has resulted in long-term separations. Biden also announced plans to make it easier for some immigrants who are college graduates, including those in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program to get work visas.America First Legal, a group started by Miller, said it would challenge Biden’s announced policies as well. Mexico President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador praised Biden’s immigration plan along with other immigration policies.

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GreenCardGuys Law Group - Houston Immigration Lawyer