GreenCardGuys Law Group

How do I check my case status with USCIS?

How do you check your case status with USCIS friends? My name is John Ting. I practice immigration law in all 50 States of America and worldwide, helping you solve your immigration problem and maybe even prevent it from happening in the 1st place. Ok, so let’s get down to it. I decided to record about this because I get it. A lot of y’all are very frustrated. Our team is even frustrated about USCIS.

They claim you know, back a couple years ago when we had a new director. That they’re going to speed up cases. We’ve seen that in very few cases. Now we have been fortunate with some success stories, but here’s the deal. I’m sharing this information because if you don’t have a lawyer, this is an option for you. But if it comes to find out your case is taking way too long, there are options for you.

Don’t think you have to rely on USCIS only. The first thing to do in general is just check your case status. Ok, so I want to share with you how to do that. I’m sure miss Screen, click on tools at the top. I’ve gone to uscis. Dot G O V click on tools and resources here. You Scroll down. First you can check your case status and this is you need to have the receipt number. This is where you type in the receipt number it gives you tells you here it has like the three alpha letters 1st and then 10 numbers.

Don’t put the dash and you get that on the seven ninety seven notice. Now if you’re wondering, well John, I haven’t received the receipt notice at all, then I wouldn’t say it’s a problem yet you. We need to consider how long has it taken? When did you fire a case? Generally, now that we’re, you know, past the pandemic, it’s about three to five weeks, OK, in general. Now, if you filed your application online, which at least I one, thirty you can, but not every application you can file online.

But if you have file online, you’re supposed to get it pretty much instantaneously. At least that’s what we’ve received it on the spot, essentially. So going to share it, but in case you have waited three to five weeks and you’ve mailed it out. And still and you even check the FedEx, UPS or USPS. However you mailed it in, the tracking delivery shows delivered. That’s good right? Which of course if you haven’t filed application I recommend you mail it with tracking. Anyway you go in here. But if you waited three to five weeks you’re like I still haven’t received the receipt notice.

Then you go in here click on E request. Now about to click on it. But we know it’s a maintenance. I just checked this earlier it says bad gateway. So that’s very unfortunate. However don’t give up folks. There’s another way. Let me show you can pretty much go to any page but on the top it says need help? Ask Emma. You click on that. It has basic prompts but at some point it’s gonna ask you some questions. So let me just type in here. Have not received receipt notice what it says.

It’s pretty cool. You can see it on my screen here. Have you previously received it? So you just type it in here of course. Or not type but you can pick the option this in this scenario we’re picking the second one. Have not received the. Receipt number. Ok and then now saying you have to wait at least 30 days. And here’s another hot tip. It says it mentions AG eleven forty five so AG eleven forty five it is a form you can download online at the USCIS dot. Gov OK you want to use a government website and you can put in your email and your phone number.

Now I don’t know why it doesn’t do both every time, but I’ll at least do one of them. So when they receive the package, no actually provide you to the receipt notice if you. Submit that G eleven forty five and you’ll receive it by text in your phone or email before receiving the physical notice. So that’s another great thing G eleven forty five now here it also says that you can submit an email to lock box if you did mail it to a lock box, so that’s an option.

So that’s if you didn’t receive it, OK, the receipt notice, but now let’s get down to processing times because let’s say you know eventually you look at the case status. And it gives you the generic received like on January 1st 2023 received doesn’t really say much else. It might say like if you haven’t received Recinos, well would it make sense because you have the receipt number then let us know you need to contact them. But the other one could be cases pending. It doesn’t have you know there’s a pizza company out there you might recognize as they have some kind of app or online basically like a portal that literally tells you when an order is placed and when the pizzas in the oven.

It’s baking and then ready for pickup or something like that. It’s being wrapped up, it’s ready to go. That would be great if that was with USPS in a State department, but we all know it’s not like that. So I know a lot of y’all are punching away your receipt number, copy and pasting into the this website. I’m sorry to say it’s not accurate. So even if it says something you’re thinking, sometimes we get an email that says your case is ready, it’s in queue to be ready for interview.

So I don’t think they do that as much because it’s honestly. Was a waste of time for everyone and it misled people. Even attorneys. Say your interview is gonna be next month. No it doesn’t have a timing function to let you know the next step or when that next step will happen. Alright so let me share the screen here when I click on the form. So let’s just give an example. I’ll go through a couple of examples when I click on it. Unfortunately it doesn’t show you the drop down but the drop down menu goes all the way from i ninety to renew the green card to one twenty nine.

Just has all the form types for the most part except two ninety B which is which is the appeal of motion. To consider, let’s pick, you know, one of the more common ones, I one. Thirty again, it doesn’t show you show you the drop down for the form category, but I can read it out loud to you. The first one is permanent resident filing for a spouse or child under 21 That one’s going to take longer. But let me go to the one that’s more and more common and that is the US citizen filing for a spouse.

This is second one in a drop down filing for a spouse or parent or child under 21 So let me click on that and then you have to pick the service center. Ok. It’s not going to go to the field office. I’ll explain in a bit which applications go to field office but in the drop down menu for the service center I’m just gonna pick California. Right now I’m going to click on processing times. So right now it shows 10 and a half. Months OK, but let me explain. Let me take a step back here let me reel it back.

That one thing you need to know about service center. Some people have asked us why is it not in the California Service Center because it has wonderful processing times. Currently I live in California but it shows Texas Service Center for my case. And by the way it shows it on the. Bottom left corner of your receipt notice, so check that out. If I’m wrong about that location, you let me know, but it’ll say it there.

You’re looking at this and you’re wondering what the heck is going on. You know, because I why not be there, right? So it’s random. We don’t get to pick which service center. We don’t get to request the transfer. It’s all randomly assigned. But now I’m clicking on Nebraska service center. It’s 10 and a half months. Let me click on potami. I’ll just go run down through all of them Potomac Service Center says 12 and click on Texas Service Center 11 and a half and then Vermont Service Center shows 16.

So 16 may not seem as bad but it take it is the longest in Vermont service center compared for any other application not just for this one. I went 30 earlier I was showing on a live show that the when someone files for i one thirty it was the sponsor was a resident and now I’m clicking for my service center. And you can see, Oh my goodness, 30 months. Now, sure, for family preference categories, they do tend to take a little bit longer, but thirty months is ridiculous. So let me just share another example of one that people ask six oh one A application based on unlawful presence. I’m going to click on Nebraska service center.

You are not going to be happy. This is 34 months not before the pandemic. It did not take even 20 months. It did not let take like 15 months on average for our case experience before the pandemic, so before 2020 Took about 8 months. And it’s just an excuse that USPS is providing. Unfortunately, they’re using the pandemic as an excuse or not enough people working. It shouldn’t take 34 months. So let me share my screen again for the other service center Potomac. There’s only two that handle this one’s even worse. This is 39 5 months. Ok, so let me Scroll down, let me transition here and Scroll down.

And you say, well, John, can I, can I submit an inquiry and even, you know, us lawyers, our team. Like to submit inquiry when we can. So it depends on timing. You wanna submit copy and paste into your receipt date. So right now at the time this recording is January 2023 Let me just put in like a couple years back. Ok, let me put a one oh one twenty like I get inquiry and it’s saying your case is processing. Normally that is very frustrating. Why should it? And when it says that cases processing normally that means you cannot submit an inquiry. Look I don’t want you all to waste your time.

But hey, if you want to do this, you want to call in to submit inquiry being call in, but they’re not going to let you. Hey, let me know in the comments later on if they would still let you that would be great to know. But every time we’ve tried and talked to other lawyers and colleagues and clients. When they’ve tried you can’t get through it has to be meet a certain time period. So let me just take it back another notch because what that was 39 months. So they literally if it’s if it’s saying let me just put 2018 hopefully that will work if my math is correct.

Ok so you can see here now you can send us a question about your case by submitting a service request online. So even if I click that it’s not working. How frustrating is that? So then that’s when you go to talk to Emma and the website chat. So in the beginning. The prompt, eventually it will have an agent actually chat with you. So there will be a human eventually. So try that out. Don’t give up. It can be frustrating. But another thing I want to share with you is that there are, this is the main takeaway. There are options for you. If you have a case that’s taking a long time, you’re not quite sure what you can do.

You know, there’s two options. Number one, you might be able to expedite request. We’re going have a separate video right up here. We can check out the reasons. It has to be specific reasons why you can request expedite. So again just like the submitting the request, it might stop you because if you if your answer your general answer doesn’t fit one of those parameters, it’s not going to let you bypass an agent. Or even if you got to an agent, the agent could say sorry it can’t accept your expedite request or you might receive an email says expedite request denied.

By the way expedite request does not mean that your. Base will be approved. It just means if it does get the expert request it to get by itself is granted. You will receive the decision sooner, OK. But here’s a second option that really is the last option and that can really cover most people and that’s called a mandamus lawsuit. So if you reached the end of this to all the way towards the end of this video, then you know about this, it’s mandamus lawsuit. It’s really the key thing. We’ve been really helping a lot more people who deserve legal staff right all of you do.

You’ve already paid money to this. Hopefully you’ve verified, even if you didn’t have a lawyer, that you were legally eligible to apply. Because it would be really bad if you waited years and years and then you finally got a decision and were denied, that would be horrible. So even if you’re watching this video and you didn’t have a lawyer and now you want to verify, you’re welcome to contact us. Ok, we offer free 15 minutes. Ok, you can give us a call. It’s down here now.

Ok, we have a WhatsApp. Available for folks who are brought outside United States. Otherwise you can contact us at the 7-2-0 number seven four zero four two four. Seven hey, and by the way, if you got any value out of the this show, please leave us a review. Ok review we greatly appreciate it. And if you enjoy any of this how I shared information. A lot of work goes into this.

Please hit the like button down below. It means the world to us because you know, YouTube algorithm does its magic. And by the way. You know, if you’re new to the channel and you again appreciate this kind of information, please consider subscribing. That also means a lot to us. But here I want to talk about mandamus to just transition. Mandamus is a last option for you if you’ve been waiting a long time and you might wonder, well, John, I don’t know if my case has been processing or pending for enough time. That’s OK, contact us.

In fact, we have a free guide on our website. On our website, And you want to click on it. Ok and our most popular one, as you can see, is the mandamus sue free legal status. You guys deserve legal status. So don’t wait around twiddling your thumbs thinking there’s nothing you can do. There’s absolutely something you can do. All right? So take advantage of this option. It’s a legal option. Some people ask us, you know, is there a consequence to file this lawsuit? Will it my case result in denial filing lawsuit by itself does not mean it’s going to result in denial if that was the case, we wouldn’t even offer this as an option.

Ok, but your case could result in a denial. In general, the focus. The main reason for a mandamus federal lawsuit is to push your case to the next step what? And it could be request for evidence. Like look, I’ve received very ridiculous RFV where my client has received RF years before and provided the information. But sometimes this is USCIS saying, I’m sorry I lost your case file. So please give us the info again. That’s basically what they’re saying. Or they finally look at your case and say there’s not enough marriage evidence or something, especially if it’s outdated. If it’s for several years ago, then they’re going to possibly send our fee.

But if you had, if you were shaky on the evidence, you know what our team usually does is we advise you get that evidence ready. Ok, don’t because we don’t want you to wait till last second after we finally get a response from the US attorney. So anyways, we had more information. About mandamus right up here, so check that out. But I hope you got from this video how to check your case status and ultimately you might run into some issues with finding out some action for the future. Thank you so much for your time and until next time folks, you have a wonderful day. Talk to you soon.

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