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Republicans have given Americans the impression that US has been experiencing a crisis at the US-Mexico border. But a new Pew Research Center report released Thursday not only breaks that myth but also reveals that the opposite is true. The country’s unauthorized immigrant population peaked at 12.2 million in 2007 when George W. Bush was president, and that population has been steadily decreasing since then. The Pew report found that the unauthorized immigrant population in the United States stood at 10.5 million in 2021, a 14% decrease from what it was in 2007. Pew noted that at the same time the United States’ population of unauthorized immigrants dropped 14%, there was a 29% increase in what it calls the lawful immigrant population, and the number of naturalized U.S. citizens grew 49%. Of the 47 million foreign-born individuals living in the United States in 2021, the Pew report found, 23.1 million, slightly less than half, were naturalized citizens. 

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