GreenCardGuys Law Group

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Reason #123 to Hire Right Attorney

Reason #123 to Hire Right Attorney

In 6th Circuit case, court concludes that the immigration judge’s denial of petitioner’s adjustment of status application was discretionary and nonreviewable. court found that the BIA’s affirmance of the IJ’s denial of the petitioner’s adjustment of status application was discretionary and protected from judicial review by INA §242(a)(2)(B), and that none of the exceptions in §242(a)(2)(D) applied because the petitioner had not raised colorable constitutional claims that were reviewable by the court. While the court recognized that “significant error haunt[ed] this case” because the IJ did not appear to know the difference between an I-94 form and a visa, the court concluded that the error was “only part” of the IJ’s reason for denying relief. This is Patel v. Garland. Call GreenCardGuys to avoid these problems and secure your legal status. 832-838-9797.

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