Supreme Court to Rule on Timely Due Process in Visa Denial Cases
Have you heard of people denied their visa without an explanation? Next month, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of a Los Angeles man who was denied a green card after marrying a U.S. citizen, in part because of his tattoos. Before that hearing, a dozen other U.S. citizens submitted statements last week detailing how their lives were similarly devastated by consular visa denials. Lawyers think thousands of families could be in similar situations. Luis Cordero was denied a visa to return to the U.S. from El Salvador and has been separated from his wife, Sandra Muñoz, since 2015. The couple sued, arguing the federal government had violated her constitutional right to marriage and due process by denying his visa without providing a timely explanation. The high court will consider whether the refusal of a visa to a U.S. citizen’s noncitizen spouse “impinges upon a constitutionally protected interest of the citizen,” and, if so, whether notifying a visa applicant that they were deemed inadmissible suffices as due process. At Greencardguys Media, we will keep you updated.