GreenCardGuys Law Group

Travel with DACA: Is AP Approval Enough?

What You Need to Know About Traveling with DACA

If you are a DACA holder and have obtained your Advance Parole, it is natural to feel some trepidation before traveling abroad. Here are some tips to make your experience as smooth as possible.

First, make sure you have no criminal record. It is crucial not to have any arrests or convictions, as these can complicate your return to the United States. Also, verify that your Travel Permit is valid for the entire time you plan to be away. Don’t wait until the last day to return.

Many of our clients have traveled with Advance Parole and have returned without problems. However, it is always advisable to speak with an attorney to review your specific case. This is especially important with the changes that may come with the new administration.

What to Do If You Find Yourself in This Situation?

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