GreenCardGuys Law Group

I-20 Student: Work Permit After Graduation?

How to obtain a work permit after graduation on an I-20 visa?

If you are an international student in the United States on an I-20 visa, you are probably wondering how to get a work permit after you graduate. Here are some tips for planning your future career.

Plan ahead

It’s important that you don’t wait until you graduate to start looking for a job. While you are in college, take the opportunity to meet people and make connections. Participate in internships that allow you to demonstrate your skills and make a good impression.

OPT and H-1B

One of the most common options for working after graduation is the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program. During your internship, ask your employers if they would be willing to sponsor you for OPT. Also, consider the H-1B visa, which allows you to work in the United States. Remember that H-1B registration begins in March of each year, so plan ahead.

Professional Advising

If you need further guidance, you can schedule a meeting with us. We have three options. Don’t let uncertainty stop you. With good planning and the right connections, you can achieve your employment goals in the United States.

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