GreenCardGuys Law Group

New bill seeks to give local police authority to arrest undocumented immigrants

New bill seeks to give local police authority to arrest undocumented immigrants

State Representative Ernie Yarbrough, R-Trinity, has pre-filed the Laken Riley Act for the 2025 Legislative Session — a new bill that looks to expand the jurisdiction of local police allowing them to arrest individuals based on immigration status. The bill is named for Laken Riley, the victim of a high-profile kidnapping and murder in Georgia that occurred earlier this year. Riley’s father Jason has denounced the use of his daughter’s legacy as a tool for exacerbating political tensions saying, “I’d rather her not be such a political, how you say — it started a storm in our country and it’s incited a lot of people.” The Laken Riley Act is expected to leave the Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee and reach the State House floor sometime early in the 2025 session.

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