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Gov. Abbott to Sign Texas Immigration Law SB4: Key Details

Gov. Abbott prepares to sign immigration law SB4 in Texas

The new law would make it a state crime to cross into Texas from Mexico illegally, allowing Texas peace officers to arrest people they suspected of entering the country without proper documentation. Immigrant advocates have called the bill racist legislation and are signaling a challenge to SB4 in the courts. The governor is expected to sign the bill soon. If arrested under SB4, what are your rights?
An immigration attorney told NBC5 that based on the US Supreme Court’s ruling in the 2012 Arizona v. United States case, only the federal government can enforce immigration law, not police, sheriff’s deputies, or state troopers. But while the policy stands, experts told NBC5 there are steps Texans can take to protect themselves. “The very important part is, you need to find representation, you need to have documents that identify you by name, and also do not accept any information given unless you speak to a lawyer,” Vasquez said.

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