GreenCardGuys Law Group

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New York Immigration Lawyer

Biden's New Parole in Place Program

Did you hear the big news from President Biden? The new parole in place program will have 2 pathways to secure legal status. The last time As your trusted source of legal information, we invite you to join us for a webinar.
Parole in place would give undocumented spouses of American citizens a chance to become permanent U.S. residents, if they meet other requirements, without having to leave the country. Unlike other categories, green cards for spouses of United States citizens are unlimited. After several years, green card holders may apply for U.S. citizenship.

How is this possible? Is this allowed by Immigration law?

Absolutely. Since the Bush administration, the U.S. government has authorized a parole in place program for immigrants who are immediate relatives of U.S. military members. In 2020, Congress affirmed that policy.

Who can qualify for this parole in place?

  1. Married couples who married before June 17, 2024 & lived in USA for 10 years minimum
  2. Work visa only for DACA recipients and “Dreamers”
        a. Need degree
        b. Need job offer for a “high-skilled” position

Please note this is preliminary information based on the White House Fact Sheet. The link is below as we always want to provide the most accurate information for you.

If you are not sure if you are eligible, this is why we invite you to a webinar workshop to answer your questions.

Registration links

We want to be respectful of everyone’s limited time by streamlining the type of questions. Due to that, please register for the appropriate workshop below.
For families and individuals, the webinar workshop will be Tuesday, August 20 at 12 PM central time.

Preguntas frecuentes

We got you! We will have these workshops every 2-3 weeks. If you want to join the waitlist, please complete this short form.

We will make the argument that common law marriage is acceptable. USCIS Policy Manual states that the law of the state is recognizes. “In general, the legal validity of a marriage is determined by the law of the place where the marriage was celebrated (“place-of-celebration rule”). Under this rule, a marriage is valid for immigration purposes in cases where the marriage is valid under the law of the jurisdiction in which it is performed.” Chapter 2 of the Policy Manual further states below, “If the relationship is treated as a marriage, however, such as a “common law marriage,” it will be recognized.”
Here are some questions we are ready to research as soon as USCIS releases the proposed rule to the Federal Register.
  • What is a high-skilled job?
  • Does a degree mean 2 year associates degree?
  • Is there a cut-off date for any requirements for the work visa?
  • Who is defined as a dreamer?
  • For the marriage parole in place, is there a cut-off date for a permanent resident from becoming a US citizen to sponsor this program or must be US citizen as of June 17, 2024?

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¿Qué Hacer Si Te Encuentras en Esta Situación?

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