GreenCardGuys Law Group

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Special Student Relief for Cameroon

Special Student Relief for Cameroon

DHS is authorizing work permits for Cameroonians with F–1 Nonimmigrant Student visa experiencing Severe Economic Hardship as a Direct Result of the Current Armed Conflict and Current Humanitarian Crisis in Cameroon. The Secretary is exercising authority under 8 CFR 214.2(f)(9) to temporarily suspend the applicability of certain requirements governing on-campus and off-campus employment for F-1 nonimmigrant students whose country of citizenship is Cameroon regardless of country of birth (or individuals having no nationality who last habitually resided in Cameroon), who are present in the United States in lawful F-1 nonimmigrant student status on the date of publication of this notice, and who are experiencing severe economic hardship as a direct result of the current armed conflict and current humanitarian crisis in Cameroon.

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