GreenCardGuys Law Group

File Complaints on Detention Facility Violations Effectively

How to file complaint about detention facility violations

The Office of the Immigration Detention Ombudsman (OIDO) is an independent office reporting directly to Congress and the Secretary of Homeland Security. OIDO is charged with redressing detainee complaints about conditions and detention standard violations by DHS staff and contractors. Current and former detained individuals can file a complaint or request assistance. Attorneys, family, and community members may also file on behalf of a detained individual or group of detained individuals.  takes This independent office takes all allegations of abuse seriously and will work with the detainee and the facility to address the situation immediately. Because it is not an enforcement agency, OIDO would also refer any allegations of abuse to the relevant investigatory office, such as the DHS Office of the Inspector General, or the CBP or ICE Offices of Professional Responsibility, as appropriate. If you would like more information on how to submit a complaint, call Ting Law Group at 832-838-9797.

Due to President Trump’s Last In First out policy, the backlog of applicants is over 667,000, asylum seekers have waited many years for their interviews. Ting Law Group has filed mandamus lawsuit to get your case completed faster. The general experience has been receiving the interview within 2-3 months after filing the lawsuit. Are you tired of waiting? Call 720-740-4247.

If you want our immigration law firm to guide and take action for you, call us!
