GreenCardGuys Law Group

Wisconsin Bill Seeks to Improve Education and Job Access for DACA Recipients

Bill seeks to expand education and employment access for DACA recipients in Wisconsin

The proposed legislation would allow DACA recipients in Wisconsin to obtain state-issued professional licenses and qualify to pay in-state tuition to attend University of Wisconsin System schools. It would also create a $250 nonrefundable tax credit issued every two years to help offset the $495 biennial fee DACA recipients are required to pay to renew their status. At least 24 states offer in-state tuition to residents covered by DACA and 16 allow access to occupational licenses, according to the Legislative Reference Bureau. Under current law, that means DACA recipients in Wisconsin cannot obtain the licensing needed to work in professions including as a registered nurse, plumber, teacher, dentist, barber or cosmetologist.

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